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Oct 29, 2021

We don't understand the mystery of how faith produces and yet it does. How do we know? Faith brings forth evidence that can be seen. Join Mama J as she shares how to become a productive EPIC Conqueror.

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Oct 25, 2021

What really is the spirit of meekness? Dr. Judy Bauer shares her thoughts on this powerful posture that brings stature before God. Interested? Discover what's behind meekness.

Visit for links and show notes and join in on the conversation @EpicConqerors on Facebook. If you enjoy our bi-weekly...

Oct 22, 2021

Dr. Judy Bauer shares the powerful understanding of our times and seasons and what this has to do with our everyday lives. What season are you in? What time is it? Find out.

Visit for links and show notes and join in on the conversation @EpicConqerors on Facebook. If you enjoy our bi-weekly...

Oct 18, 2021

Mark chapter 3 shares with us to bind the strongman so his house can be plundered. Have we gotten it all backwards? Find out as Dr. Judy Bauer share the insight the received that flips the script.

Visit for links and show notes and join in on the conversation @EpicConqerors on Facebook. If you...

Oct 15, 2021

Dr. Judy Bauer shares with us how to unlock our potential in this powerful message from the life of David. Everyone around him didn't see his potential...but God.

Visit for links and show notes and join in on the conversation @EpicConqerors on Facebook. If you enjoy our bi-weekly podcasts and...