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Apr 29, 2022

Judy & Chad continue look at the faith journey of Samuel. All the people recognized that Samuel was a prophet. God continued to reveal Himself to Samuel. There is much to glean from this event in Samuel's young life. 

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Apr 25, 2022

Judy and Chad chat about some EPIC verses in Jeremaiah 29 in context and look at what happens when we choose to delight ourselves in God.

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Apr 22, 2022

Mama J & Chad delve deeper into the life story of Samuel. They share Hannah's story, showing how to Keep pouring out your heart before the Lord. He is listening and working everything out for your good and His glory.

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Apr 18, 2022

Your success is not measured by how far ahead you can see. Your dependence and closeness to God is evident as He leads you on the path of life. Mama J and Chad take a look at Psalm 37.

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Apr 15, 2022

Mama J and Chad chat about King David, his name is spoken with respect, a man after God's own heart. Yet, we see in all the writings of his life that he missed the mark many times, his pride and ambition would get the upper hand but yet his faith in the Mighty One is evident in his EPIC life victories.
