Mar 26, 2024
In this episode, Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak are joined by Anthony Hankins, as they read the last of 1 John. Our world is often turned upside down in chaos and sin, but those that have sure footing as sons and daughters of God have also a clear path to Eternal Life.
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Mar 18, 2024
Mama J and Chad continue their series: The Little Books, as they finish off the last of 1 John 3. As EPIC Conquerors can have victory over if we continue to love one another as Christ loves us and show a helping hand to all who desire it. -
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Mar 11, 2024
Mama J and Chad continue their series: The Little Books, with 1 John 3. In this episode we see the love of God shown in community and brotherhood, and how easy it is to identify such love in a world that often has a twisted understanding of it.
Mar 4, 2024
Dr. Judy Bauer and Chad Smanjak continue their series: The Little Books. In today's episode, we learn more about the powers and principalties that try so hard to sway us awy from God every single day, and what the consequences are for those who not only turn their back on God, but curse His name and His people.